Privacy Policy

Platinum Blasting Services Pty Ltd and its controlled entities
(“Platinum”) recognises the importance of protecting your
privacy. We are committed to maintaining the privacy, security
and integrity of personal information that we may collect in
our day to day operations. This is regardless of whether the
personal information relates to individuals with whom we do
business, users of our websites or otherwise. Platinum abides
by the Australian Privacy Principles in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

This Privacy Policy details how we collect, use and manage
personal information.

Collecting Personal Information

Platinum collects personal information required to conduct its business, usually directly from you or with
your consent. We may also collect personal information from third parties, such as credit reporting bodies,
referees or our customers or suppliers.

We collect personal information about our:

  • clients and prospective clients;
  • users of our products and services;
  • contractors, suppliers and service providers;
  • visitors to our website or other media;
  • employees; and/or
  • job applicants.

The basis for Platinum obtaining and processing your personal information will typically be:

  • with your consent;
  • o meet our legal or regulatory obligations;
  • to conduct our business; and/or
  • for the performance of a contract in place with you or other individuals.

Examples of the business-related purposes that Platinum may collect personal information from
you include:

  • negotiating, performing or concluding contracts;
  • tendering for new business opportunities;
  • managing business relationships;
  • administrating accounting procedures;
  • conducting suitability checks or supplier prequalification;
  • managing conflicts of interest;
  • conducting security clearance, medical or safety procedures;
  • managing employee/contractor requirements (i.e. training, licensing, camp, travel, site access etc.)
  • conducting Human Resources functions (i.e. payroll, recruiting personnel etc.)
  • communicating with you or other third parties;
  • supporting community or social responsibility initiatives;
  • statistics or other reporting requirements; legal or regulatory obligations;
  • incident response or internal investigations; and
  • management of our website, computing facilities, and mobile applications.

Types of Personal Information

The types of personal information collated will depend on how we interact with you.
For example, the type of information may differ when you provide personal information in
support of an employment application, or when you visit our website, or when you are a
representative of our suppliers, customers or business partners.

Platinum may collect a range of personal information. This may include information such as,
but not limited to, your:

  • name, gender, date of birth;
  • contact details (i.e., phone, email, address);
  • details of your business and other interests;
  • job title and other position related information;
  • experience, qualifications, education and professional affiliations;
  • records of communication with you (which may include text, voice or video);
  • questionnaire responses or feedback provided by you;
  • third party references;
  • emergency contacts;
  • financial and payment information;
  • internet protocol (IP) addresses;
  • security / surveillance records; and/or
  • voice or facial recognition (voice or video records).

Additionally, we may require personal or sensitive information relating to your
employment or potential employment with Platinum. For example, and as relevant
to the position, information on the individual’s:

  • right to work;
  • criminal record;
  • medical background and results;
  • employment records;
  • licences and training records;
  • interview and application notes;
  • voice or video interviewing records;
  • nationality;
  • payroll details (i.e. taxation, superannuation, banking etc.); and/or
  • photographic identification.

You are not required to supply any of the personal information that we may request.
However, if it is not provided, we may not be able to provide you with (or engage you
to provide to us) services and/or products.

Sensitive Information

Sensitive information may be required to be processed by Platinum if such collection and use is
necessary to comply with laws and regulations, or where you provide this information voluntarily
or otherwise consent for us to do so.

Sensitive information includes personal information about a person’s racial or ethnic origins,
political options or associations, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership or
associations, sexual orientation or practices, criminal record, health or genetic information,
and some aspects of biometric information.

Using Personal Information

In general, we may collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information for the primary
purposes for which it was collected, including:

  • to conduct our business;
  • to provide and market our products or services;
  • to communicate with you to provide or promote our products or services;
  • to purchase goods or services;
  • to help us manage, develop and enhance our services, including our website;
  • to consider the suitability of prospective employees;
  • to comply with our legal obligations; and/or
  • to administer, maintain, support and provide upgrades to our services and applications.

We may also use and/or disclose your personal information for other purposes which you
consent to or which are required or permitted by law. This may include for a secondary purpose
that is related to a purpose for which we collected it, and for which you would reasonably expect
us to use or disclose your personal information.

Disclosure of Personal Information

We may disclose your personal information (including, in certain limited circumstances, your
sensitive information) for the purposes for which it was collected, such as:

  • for the purpose of providing services requested by you;
  • to our suppliers of IT services and other parties engaged by Platinum for the purpose of
    providing services to you;
  • when seeking legal or professional advice;
  • where we are required or authorised to do so by law;
  • in the event that we sell, buy or merge any business or assets (including potential
    prospective sellers/buyers);
  • to meet internal or external audit requirements; and/or
  • to carry out internal procedures (such as information shared with appropriate persons,
    for example HR personnel and hiring managers when considering you for employment).

Platinum, and its employees, contractors and agents, are required to maintain the confidentiality
of personal information and are restricted from using it for any purpose other than the intended
business purpose or outside of this Privacy Policy.

All employees and contractors of Platinum are subject to this policy, and any breach of this policy
may result in disciplinary action.

Our Employees / Potential Employees

Platinum may hold copies of your resume, qualifications, licences, identification, medical
clearances, security clearances and other records as proof of your accreditation.

Platinum may be required to provide these, and/or information such as your personal and
emergency contact details, to a client/s or a third party nominated by the client/s. Typically
this is required to:

  • demonstrate that you are suitability qualified and able to perform the required
    duties and responsibility associated with your position;
  • gain approval for your appointment or potential appointment;
  • gain and maintain your ongoing access to the work site;
  • administer your requirements / bookings (such as camp, training, travel); and/or
  • meet legal, regulatory or compliance requirements.

Platinum will take reasonable steps to ensure that only the required information is provided
to relevant third parties. Platinum will only make you aware of the collection and disclosure of
this information in circumstances where you would not reasonably expect that your information
will be shared to these relevant third parties. Your employment engagement may not be
possible otherwise.

For job applicants, Platinum will hold information that you provide (and that we collate) as a part
of your application and our recruitment processes. This information is typically held in a secure,
third party application or in a restricted repository within the Platinum IT network. Platinum will
collect, hold and use this personal information for the purpose of considering you for employment
and communicating with you in regards to employment opportunities.

In the event of an unsuccessful job application, Platinum may choose to retain your personal
information for the purpose of communicating with you about further roles that may become

In the event that you do not wish to be considered and contacted for further roles, you may request
that Platinum deletes your personal information at any time. To do so, please refer to the Contact Us
section following.

Website, Mobile Application
and Social & Other Media

By utilising or visiting Platinum’s website, applications or media, we may collect some standard
information that is sent from your browser.

Our website or mobile applications may include Cookies. Cookies collect a small amount of user
information at a text file about your visit to the website or application, such as your IP address,
your method of finding the website (for example via google search or other website), the date
and time accessed, and your navigation whilst on the site. You may set up your browser to block
cookies or remove cookies stored on your computer or device. By doing so, however, you may
limit the features or functions that you are able to utilise on our websites or applications.

Platinum uses this information to aid in the effective administration of these services and the
management of the business. The information is typically utilised in aggregate for statistical,
analysis or research purposes, such as to identify and improve the services that the website
or application provides to you.

We do not seek to individually identify our Platinum website users, unless where Platinum
believes it is required to meet law enforcement (such as where a warrant to inspect is issued),
regulatory or other statutory third-party obligation.

Disclosure of Personal
Information Overseas

Platinum’s principle operations are in Australia, but we interact with people and organisations
from other parts of the world to conduct our business. Platinum shareholders and directors may
be located overseas from time to time, including a current major shareholder of Platinum located
in India (who is listed on the Indian stock exchange).

We therefore may need to disclose personal information in other jurisdictions as appropriate, in
order to conduct our business and to meet our reporting and auditing obligations. The information
that we collect from you may be transferred to, and stored at, destinations both within and outside
of Australia for this purpose.

Storage of Personal Information

We will take reasonable steps to store personal information in a secure manner and protect the
information from misuse, and unlawful or unauthorised access / disclosure. Reasonable steps will
also be taken to de-identify or securely destroy personal information when it is no longer required
for business or legal purposes.

Examples of where Platinum stores personal information includes:

  • on its computer network and IT devices;
  • on third party software and applications (such as internal software or applications, or external
    client / provider software or applications); and
  • at our office or site-based facilities.

We will not retain your personal information for longer than it may be necessary for the purpose/s
for which Platinum collected it, except in circumstances where we believe it necessary to retain the
information (i.e. to meet our legal, regulatory, compliance, reporting requirements etc.). Typically,
we will retain your personal information for as long as we provide services or are engaged with you,
and thereafter we will retain the information for as long as reasonably necessary.

Although we do our best endeavours to protect your personal information, unfortunately there is
always a risk involved in transmitting data electronically. Platinum cannot guarantee the security of
your information transmitted electronically, and cannot be responsible for the loss, unauthorised
use or acquisition of personal information that you provide over the internet.

Security / Surveillance

Platinum may conduct surveillance of all its information technology systems, including email usage,
internet usage and any other usage of information technology supplied by Platinum. Platinum may also
carry out voice, facial, video or tracking surveillance; for example, by way of closed-circuit television
cameras or Global Positioning Systems (GPS) tracking in our assets / vehicles.

Surveillance is conducted to ensure the security and appropriate use of our systems and assets, the
safety of our personnel and others whom we work with, the effective management of our information
technology, assets and other resources, and for legal or compliance purposes.

Surveillance is carried out on a continuous and ongoing basis. Depending on the type, it may include
personal information such as your name, voice or facial recognition, sensitive information, photographs,
internet protocol (IP) addresses or location information.

Emails sent to and from Platinum email addresses (or other communication sent or received utilising
Platinum resources) may be monitored by authorised personnel. While Platinum endeavors to not review
or distribute personal information that may be contained in such emails, the content may be utilised for
business purposes. For example, where relevant to an internal investigation, for legal proceedings or
where there has been a breach of policy or security.

Access to surveillance systems / recorded material will be strictly limited to persons authorised by
Platinum, or where required to be provided to a third party by law.

Correcting, Updating and
Accessing your Information

Platinum endeavors to maintain up to date and accurate personal information where held. If you
consider your personal information to be out of date or inaccurate, please contact us by email.
Platinum will take reasonable steps to make appropriate corrections to the personal information,
having regard to the purpose for which the information is held.

You can request to access your personal information that Platinum holds on you. This is subject
to some exceptions allowed by law. If you would like to obtain a copy of your personal information
that Platinum holds, please contact us.

How to Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or Platinum’s privacy practices, or if you wish
to raise a concern or make a complaint regarding the handling of your privacy, please contact us
utilising one of the below methods.


Phone: +61 7 3831 7300

Mail: Platinum Blasting Services, PO Box 785, Brisbane Qld 4000

Platinum will endeavor to respond to any privacy complaint within 30 days (or such other reasonable
time period given the circumstances). We will attempt to confirm, as appropriate and necessary, your
understanding of the conduct or complaint, and what you may expect as an outcome. We will inform
you whether we will be conducting an investigation into the matter. After we have completed our
enquires, we will contact you to advise the outcome.

If you raise a complaint and are not satisfied with the handling of the complaint or resolution, you
have the right raise the matter with the Office of Australian Information Commissioner.

Policy Reviews

Platinum review its policies from time to time, and reserves the right to amend or discontinue
this Privacy Policy at any time. The current Privacy Policy will be published on our website. It is
your responsibility to check the website for the latest version.